The Berwick RSL Sub-Branch Inc. operates primarily to support Veterans, Service Personnel and their families

This is achieved by:

  1. Providing a welcoming meeting place.
  2. Organising and running significant commemoration services including ANZAC and Remembrance Day Services.
  3. Liaison with other Ex-service organisations such as Legacy to determine areas of assistance required.
  4. Regular visits to Aged Care Facilities to meet with ex-service personnel and their widows.
  5. Provision of RSL services at funerals.
  6. Provision of buses for veteran, widow and RSL member outings.
  7. Where necessary, the provision of financial assistance in response to assessed needs and available funds. Examples of assistance in this area may include: transport costs, purchase of household goods, gardening, medical and dental costs, distribution of Christmas hampers, payment of rates, car repairs, insurances, mortgage and rental assistance, training fees for employment, school education costs, house repairs, shopping vouchers, financial advice, flowers and funeral notices.

To meet these demands, the Sub-Branch raises funds through two significant Appeals each year: The ANZAC Appeal and the Remembrance (Poppy) Appeal. In the past few years, Berwick RSL Sub-Branch Inc. has raised in excess of $100,000 each year through the untiring efforts of the Appeal Team and their sellers at various locations around the local area. Additionally, approximately 60 honesty boxes are located at various businesses and 32 schools take merchandise to sell to their pupils. 50% of money raised is returned to RSLVIC for statewide programs and 50% is retained at the Sub-Branch.

The RSL Welfare Team meets at the Sub-Branch at 6pm on the second Wednesday of the second month to report on activities and to discuss areas of need that may have arisen. Approval for expenditure of funds requires identification of entitlement and assessment of need. After these have been established approval to proceed with support requires the authority of the Welfare Team Leader and the Sub-Branch President.

Ray Heathcote Welfare Team Leader

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