The Poppy Appeal raises funds to support former and serving members of the Australian Defence Forces and dependents when in need.
Most of the funds are raised through our Appeals with the sale of Poppy merchandise. But without your support, we won’t raise the funds needed to continue the work by the RSL for our Welfare Projects.
In the Appeals Office we are now turning our thoughts towards Remembrance Day which is not too far away.
The whiteboard is up and running displaying the venues we will be fundraising at, so you will have time to pick your favourite spot at the time you want to raise funds.
We will be fundraising from Friday 27th October to Friday 10th November, if you have days and times already picked out please ring me, email me or text message and I can book your places now.
We have some new lapel pins across four price ranges, so come on down and have a look.
You can also go to our website at and buy on-line.
If you have 2 to 4 hours to spare to sell Poppies and raise funds, my contact details are listed below. Look forward to seeing the grand children helping poppy and nanna with nice big smiles on their faces selling poppies.
The Appeals Office will be open from 5pm Monday to Saturdays, so that you can collect your bag of goodies the day before or return your collection (except Sunday).
If you need to collect your bag for Friday 27th October please ring Appeals Office on 0438 340 921 Sue Clark to arrange early pick up, my email address is:
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”